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Cebollas is a brand idea for a new fast-food restaurant that specializes in selling freshly-made, customizable burritos. The restaurant's brand represents modernity, quality, and variety. Thus, Cebollas has a causal, yet elevated atmosphere while providing excellent products and quick service for young, working individuals. Additionally, Cebollas caters to a multitude of consumers from various age groups by offering endless customizable options. Due to its flexibility and variety, Cebollas gets its name because it has many layers and presents the opportunity for unlimited customizable burrito options. 

The following content presented in Powerpoint slides includes information about brand identity. The project displays many ideas for different promotional strategies for Cebollas. The project develops the brand's advertising messages and media, personal selling strategy, sales promotions, publicity strategy, direct marketing, and packaging and display. There are images of physical drawings that were completed within the group and some digitalized versions of those ideas. Moreover, the project describes how each of these advertising strategies would be put into effect and the purpose/goal that is to be achieved.

I do not own all images. Credit goes to Dreamstime and original owners. 

This theoretical brand development project was created through Cal Poly Pomona's Promotional Strategies course. I was able to express creativity in ideas for a new brand in an existing market and ways to market the brand and its products. Being able to translate our ideas visually and orally has become a new skill. Moreover, working with my other team members in class helped me practice better communication and efficiently work together.

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